How to stop redirects

How to stop redirects is a highly questionable website that tries to trick users into allowing ads on their desktops. When users get redirected to it, a browser alert appears saying “ wants to show notifications”. If users click “Allow”, they will start getting ads on their desktops.




Users can get redirected to sites when browsing questionable sites or if adware is installed on their computers. The site does not have any content on it, besides an image displaying a message claiming that users need to click “Allow” to confirm they are not a robot. A browser notification will also appear, saying “ wants to show notifications”. If users click “Allow”, the site will start spamming ads as notifications. These ads will appear similarly to where legitimate system notifications appear. They could also be purposely made to look like system notifications to trick users into interacting with them. Clicking on them is not recommended because users could be exposed to potentially dangerous websites, such as ones promoting scams or concealing malware. Fortunately, these notifications are easily stoppable. Users simply need to remove from the list of sites with permission to show notifications. Instructions will be provided at the end of the report.

While this “show notifications” feature is often misused by sites like, it can be useful. As long as a site is safe, it can be given permission. For example, if users frequently visit a specific website and want to see its contents without entering the site, they can allow it to show notifications. If they get tired of seeing notifications, they can easily revoke the permission.

In addition to stopping notifications, users should also look into why they are redirected to sites like because an adware infection could be at fault.

What triggers redirects to sites like

Redirects to sites like can be triggered by infections like adware. But in most cases, users are redirected when browsing high-risk websites. Certain websites are known to trigger ads and redirects when users interact with anything. Sites with pornography or pirated content are particularly guilty of this. Fortunately, both ads and redirects are easily preventable with an adblocker program.

If adware is at fault, the redirects may be more frequent and happen regularly. Adware is a pretty minor, albeit very annoying infection. It is usually installed via the free software bundling method. The infections are added to popular free programs as extra offers and authorized to be installed automatically. The offers are technically optional but they need to be manually deselected to prevent their installation. Most users do not do it simply because they do not notice the offers as they are hidden in settings users don’t normally use. This makes software bundling a rather controversial installation method. It’s common for anti-virus programs to detect programs that use software bundling as potential threats.

Users who pay attention when installing programs should be able to prevent unwanted installations fairly easily. When given the option during installation, users need to opt for Advanced (Custom) settings instead of Default. The installation window will recommend using Default settings but this will allow unwanted offers to be installed. Advanced settings will not only display the offers clearly but also allow users to deselect them. All users need to do is uncheck the boxes. It’s recommended to deselect all offers, even if they appear useful at first glance. By allowing these installations, users will only fill their computers with junk programs that can be very persistent.

How to stop redirects

We recommend scanning the computer with the WiperSoft anti-virus program in case adware is what triggers the redirects. Adware can be quite persistent, and it’s easiest to get rid of it using anti-virus software. It’s also a good idea to install an adblocker program to prevent ads and random redirects.

If users have given permission to show notifications, they need to revoke the permission. It’s not difficult to do via the browser’s settings. Here are instructions to help users:

  • For Mozilla Firefox: Open Menu (the three bars top-right corner) -> Options -> Privacy & Security. Scroll down to Permissions, press Settings next to Notifications, and remove and any other questionable websites. You can permanently turn off these notification requests by checking the “Block new requests asking to allow notifications” box in the same Notifications settings.
  • For Google Chrome: Open Menu (the three dots top-right corner) -> Settings -> Privacy and security -> Site Settings. Click on Notifications under Permissions, and remove and any other questionable websites. You can stop these notification requests permanently by toggling off “Sites can ask to send notifications”.
  • For Microsoft Edge: Open Menu (the three dots top-right corner) -> Settings -> Cookies and site permissions -> Notifications. Review which sites have permission and remove and any other questionable websites. You can permanently turn off these notification requests by toggling off “Ask before sending”.

Site Disclaimer is not sponsored, affiliated, linked to or owned by malware developers or distributors that are referred to in this article. The article does NOT endorse or promote malicious programs. The intention behind it is to present useful information that will help users to detect and eliminate malware from their computer by using WiperSoft and/or the manual removal guide.

The article should only be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions provided in the article, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the article will aid you in completely removing the malware from your PC. Malicious programs are constantly developing, which is why it is not always easy or possible to clean the computer by using only the manual removal guide.

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